Product Details
USDA Authorized
This product is a natural digestant that uses nature's own cleaning agents to remove grease accumulations from grease traps and grease-trap plumbing. Fortified with LIPASE Enzymes for instant action. Use this regularly to prevent clogs or back-ups and reduce or eliminate the need for unpleasant manual cleaning of traps. Non-toxic, environmentally safe, this product uses the natural digesting power of selected bacteria strains. It helps to degrade grease accumulation by nature's own methods. Contains no harsh chemicals, non-corrosive acids or caustics.
- Bacteria attack, liquefy and remove grease, fat and oil faster.
- Regular use will prevent clogs and back-ups and reduce the need for pump outs.
- Bacteria are in spore form for extended shelf life.
- Contains anaerobic and facultative bacteria and decreases BOD load.
- Activate enzymes in warm water before use.
- Use 1 lb per 20 cubic feet of grease trap.
- Use 1/2 lb every 3 days per 20 cubic feet of grease trap.
Product Label
Technical Data Sheet
Product Ingredient Information
Part# 511D